Month: May 2005

  • I dreamed I was with a bunch of Vikings. I’m fairly certain at least one of them was a Norse God, Loki I think. We looked through a bunch of games and found a deck of cards. Then we played “Go Fish.”

    For those of you who read my webcomic… were you aware I killed off Arkana? Not the character, the comic. No one seemed to like it, or at least no one ever said anything, so I started a new comic… Tattoo. So far it is not uber-exciting, but I promise that changes.

    I just finished reading Zorro by Allende. I recommend it to everyone. It was a great read. She focused on his heritage and what made him become Zorro. Allende is really a great writer. Her work is very densly packed, so it takes a while to get through it. Most other authors I can skim/speed read, but it took me almost two weeks to read through her book. Though of course, I was only reading it during lunch at work. So technically it took me about 8 hours to read it. It’s only about 350 pages, so compared to how I usually read, it should have only taken me about 4 hours or so (or one week).

    I don’t know what to read next, but I’m considering a book just released about Renfield. You know, Dracula’s demented little bug eating buddy? I hated Dracula, but maybe Renfield will be better.

  • Gah…. so again, a little more than a month has gone by since my last post. You know, I just haven’t been dreaming right since my last cold. I only have one dream to share with you that makes any sense at all, and that’s because it was very short….

    There was a guy in a bathtub who was being bled to death by a “cult.” When his blood had been drained to the last cup, he was given that cupt to drink in order to become a vampire.

    See? Very short… almost not worth mentioning.

    In other news… I just found out the other day that my father is dead. It’s just so weird. I hadn’t seen him in ten years, and had no intention of ever seeing him again. But it’s just the weirdest thing to know he’s finally dead. We always thought he’d die in a fight or drink himself to death, but apparently he had cancer and died in his hotel room where he was living. I doubt he even knew he had cancer, but the hospital said he was riddled with it when he was brought in, already dead.

    What’s really weird is that all three of his children were thinking about him at about the time of his death. Just wondering about him, you know? And the day he died, this little bird came right up to my window and perched on the screen for a few seconds before flying off.

    My mother won the lottery. It’s not as great as it sounds. She only won a little over $500, but hey, that’s more than $0. She actually won the money two days before my father died. It would have been much more significant if she had won afterwards… it would have been like he was trying to make up for all the years he beat her, but well, it’s not important eh? None of us will ever have to worry about him showing up on our doorsteps, drunk and onery, again. That was always my biggest fear. That he’d find out where we lived and show up to raise hell. I also worried that if I ever did go into politics, he’d do something imminent to embarrass me. Of course, his past actions could still embarrass me, but he hadn’t had anything to do with my upbringing since I was 3 years old, so I don’t know that it would really affect my academic or political career.

    It’s just weird, you know?

    Ah well, I’l try posting more often… but I’ve said that before, haven’t I? heh